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Are you a passionate home entrepreneur
who would like to have a
profitable and sustainable online business
while enjoying what you do?
Then you are in the right place! 

You are most likely trying to weave your way through hours of content, courses, and YouTube tutorials but still feel lost as to what to have on your website, what exactly to sell, and how to position it. 

Plus, the techy part of setting up your online business is really confusing and hard. There are so many tools and systems to choose from. 

How do you know you made the right decision for

  • an email service provider
  • web hosting
  • WordPress theme or other website tools 
  • shopping cart or online shop

  • have a membership or course platform
  • legal requirements

What the heck is everyone referring to when they say you need a business plan and a customer journey?

I have so many ideas, which one do I choose?

Where do I even start?

There is a method to get to all the correct answers and
create a plan with a purpose

Let me introduce you to the Online Business Roadmap Course

Neil Jeffrey,

One of the best educational courses I have taken and enjoyed! 

Yolande, I just wanted to tell you that the Online Business Roadmap was one of the best educational courses I have taken and enjoyed. From creating a business plan to budget, branding, list building, creating a product, creating a landing page it was delivered with complete clarity. Even your guest experts delivered very clearly and the website mapping was of great interest to me. Whilst I could only watch replays it wasn’t a handicap for me and I was very pleased that you had plenty of Q&A’s, which is big plus. You are a very genuine and generous person, something rare in the online marketing world. So thanks again.

Pick your business model, create a launch plan, and officially open for business 
with your first product — in just ten days!

  • Choose what to sell 
  • Choose the right tools to get started 
  • Publish a freebie/leadmagnet and know how to put products in a shop 
  • Create a business plan without feeling like you are duct-taping everything together
  • Have a complete website plan together so that you know your customers will stick around and keep coming back for new offers, plus send over their friends!

How will we get there in just 10 days?


  • Get clear on your passions, strengths, and what is the best path to monetize
  • Choose an online business model and tactics that have a proven path to success for your idea. 
  • Get clear on the products and/or services that you will offer. 
  • Find the best online tools that will help you build your online business. 
  • Feel confident in selling your products  


  • Create your first Lead magnet and get it on a landing page with a free tool 
  • Learn how to do this in Canva


  • Get to know who your ideal customer is – who your business aims to serve.  
  • Develop your brand identity, and pinpoint what sets you apart from the rest of the market.  
  • Get clear on your messaging and the language you will use to attract your ideal customer. Essential to building a website that converts leads into lifetime customers.  


  • Plan your brand colors and fonts 
  • Create a draft logo in Canva with step-by-step help


  • Plan what you need to have on your website. 
  • Draft the structure of your entire website so that you know how to build it even if you hire this job out.
  • Plan your website copy – the words that need to go on each page. 
  • Plan the rest of your tech stack and tools that you will need to automate your business
  • Get ready to Launch your website with a plan. 

Create your first product and load it into a free online store with step-by-step help
After completing this course, you will finally

  • Have a plan of action that will help you move forward fast! 
  • Feedback from a community that has your back! 
  • Be free from decision fatigue about which tools you need, platforms to invest in, and training programs to buy! 
  • Start marketing your business right away! 
  • Get those leads, and Dollars come in from the get-go!
  • In other words, You can test and refine your business concept even before having a website!

Why do we feel so confident about this program?

I am the founder of FeatheredVine Studio Pty Ltd. A place where we network, create opportunities, and grow online entrepreneurship in a tight-knitted community that cares about each other. 

 I am also a mom of four kids, homeschool, and am totally smitten with my hunky husband. We live in a surfer town called Muizenberg in Cape Town, South Africa.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker 

 Not too long ago, I was sitting in front of my computer, researching a million ways to start a business from home. I felt trapped in my circumstances, always living from one paycheck to another, which was not even mine but my husband’s. I hated every moment of feeling powerless and that I could not contribute to my family’s needs. 

 I know all about desperation, and I know all about feeling overwhelmed. I also know all about spending money on all kinds of programs and tools that seem to have all the answers but leave me in a state of analysis paralysis and overthinking. I also know what it is like to feel overwhelmed learning new technology. 

You too? 

 Let me help you uncover your potential, turn it into products that sell, and show you how to turn all of this into a profitable online business that you can be proud of. 

Don't just take my word for it. 

Here is a case study from one of our members

How FeatheredVine’s Online Business Roadmap Empowers Entrepreneurs To Create Businesses That Serve

Sharon Kinnier 

Coach and Founder of Talking Gurus talkinggurus.com 

At Talking Gurus, Sharon is a coach who helps coaches and course creators kick overwhelm to show up as their most authentic selves for their clients and students.

The Challenge:

Creating An Online Business About More Than Just Making Money

When Sharon Kinnier decided to enter the world of online business, she found herself wanting more than to follow the status quo. 

Sharon, like many aspiring entrepreneurs, had signed up for countless free guides and even courses to learn how to start an online business. She knew she wanted to help people and run her own business. There was just one problem—she couldn’t figure out a way to do both. 

She started out planning to create digital planners because that’s what all of the “experts” she followed advised her to do. They primarily taught only one thing—how to make money. Which was great, except Sharon knew that just making money wasn’t going to feed her altruistic side. 

She’s passionate about helping others realize their dreams and achieve them. And she quickly found out that selling digital planners online just wasn’t going to cut it. 

So although she had already dipped more than a toe into the entrepreneurial waters before finding FeatheredVine’s Online Business Bootcamp, she decided to join anyway to see if there was a way to make money and lift other people up at the same time.

The Solution:

A Business Bootcamp Created For Big-Hearted Entrepreneurs

In the Online Business Bootcamp, FeatheredVine founder and CEO Yolande Dugmore guides her clients on a journey to creating a business that

serves them—and then can serve others.

"She is the first expert who allowed you the kind of freedom and time to put into figuring out exactly what it is you want to do before you start to do anything else.”

Sharon had done “defining your ideal customer” and “picking a niche” exercises before, but it wasn’t until Yolande showed her how nailing this down translated into designing a full website experience for her clients that things began to click into place. 

The Online Business Bootcamp originated because the majority of people who came to Yolande for help designing their WordPress websites hadn’t taken the time to really plot out the details of their businesses. They wanted a gorgeous website, but they weren’t clear on their messaging, which led to confusion and frustration in the website design process. 

Yolande worked with Sharon to remodel her entire online business with a process that included:  
  • Choosing a business model 
  • Defining a launch plan 
  •  Finding her target audience 
  • Creating a product ready to sell 

… in just ten days. 

For Sharon, going through the Online Business Bootcamp was like unlocking the secret door to business success (and finding personal fulfillment along the way).
The results:

Unparalleled Clarity and Website Traffic That’s On The Rise

After completing the Online Business Bootcamp, Sharon is excited to see increased traffic to her website since her messaging is now so much


"[The Online Business Roadmap has] made everything easier. It's made copywriting easier. It's made writing sales pages easier. It’s made creating content and courses easier. Now, I can direct my customer to exactly where I want them to be, instead of throwing everything all over the place like it was before.”

After completing the Online Business Bootcamp, Sharon is excited to see increased traffic to her website since her messaging is now so much


"If I hadn’t joined the Online Business Roadmap, I would have been just another internet marketer who's selling something just to make money, instead of doing something fulfilling that actually helps others.”


During our pilot stage for this program, we had live sessions that were recorded and added to the content of this course. During this time, we had many students from around the globe that could not make the live recordings and still found the content incredibly valuable. 

 For this reason, we are confident that everything you need is inside the course to go through at your own pace. You also have access to the community on Heartbeat, where there is a dedicated thread for this course. 

 It is very easy to get your questions answered and to get help from my team or me and community members in Heartbeat. 

  We are here for you!


Each day has assignments to complete, and once completed, you can earn badges and prizes along the way. This is only a guideline, and you can make it work within your own schedule.

Business Planning 

  • Day 1 Start with a dream and inspired ideas.  
  • Day 2 Grouping all the dreams, ideas, and passions.  
  • Day 3 Create your business plan. Branding 
  • Day 4 How to create a draft logo in Canva.  
  • Day 5 Branding Workshop with Sneha Designs. 


(weekend break or catchup) 

 Building an email list and products 

  • Day 6 Bonus: Marketing on TikTok with Sharon of Talking Gurus.  
  • Day 7 How to create a landing page for your offer, With Marilyn of Gilded Penguin Creations.  
  • Day 8 Choose a Leadmagnet/free offer. Editing/creating a product in Canva with Andrea of Sparkle with Grace.  

Create your first product  

  • Day 9 Add Your Product to a shop (weekend break or catchup)  

Website Mapping 

  • Day 10 Create a website map.


  • A computer or a good smartphone that can run the Canva
  • app 
  • Time to commit during the Bootcamp time frame to complete assignments 
  • An attitude of – I am going to do this! 
  • Your community spirit 

All the tools we will teach you to use have a free plan, so there is no need to buy any expensive software or tools.

You might find that you need help with your product ideas, business plan, or the path ahead. You can purchase a 45min coaching session for $65 at any point during the



No, not yet. The Bootcamp is designed to get you through the foundation of starting an online business and overcoming the fear of putting something out there. 


Many of our successful clients and students started making money online way before their websites were finished. We know that website creation can become a sticky point that prevents you from making progress fast. That is why the process outlined in the Bootcamp is so valuable to save you time and lots of frustration. 

 Once you have completed the Bootcamp, we will offer you our Website Launch Accelerator Course, which takes you through the entire process from start to finish. This is a very intensive course, and if you are not clear on who you serve, what you want to sell, and what needs to be on your website, you will not benefit from this course to the fullest. It is designed to help you get your business

online fast. No time to waste. You need it!


The Happy Guarantee: We would love for you to be completely happy with your purchase. We have a fourteen-day refund policy; you can read the details here.

  • Customer
  • Payment

Online Business Roadmap$49

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Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


  • Total payment
  • 1xOnline Business Roadmap$49

All prices in USD

Online Business Roadmap$49

Simplify WordPress and Digital Products with Tech Loving Care

FeatheredVine Studio Pty Ltd

6 St Georges Drive

Western Cape


South Africa